COVID-19 Update.JPG

We are currently open as normal & will be until the UK Government advises otherwise (as of 13/03/2020)

We are currently following additional protocols including hand sanitisation/hard surface cleaning, no hand contact, and we will ask you to as well when you attend.

PLEASE attend your booked appointments as normal until we advise otherwise, unless you have the symptoms below.


Stay at home if you have corona-virus symptoms and please contact us to advise us.

Stay at home for 7 days if you have either:

1- a high temperature
2- a new, continuous cough
(These are in addition to having just returned from an infected area within 14days, or having been tested/diagnosed/already suspected of having COVID-19)

Do not go to a GP surgery, pharmacy or hospital or attend our practice.

Best Wishes
from all of us at EADP