We have recently changed our practice management software to allow greater flexibility & access for both you & how we work at the practice. This is moving us towards being totally paperless and therefore more environmentally friendly at the practice.
You may have noticed we have tablets in the surgeries to allow you to check & sign documents such as your medical histories, treatment plans, and other consent forms.
We can also now email these forms, receipts, statements & appointments etc direct to you.
In addition to this, the new system also has a web based ‘Patient Portal’ which allows registered patients to sign up for personal secure access to view & sign consents & other forms placed there for you, to check your appointments (booked & past history) & also your payment history and statements without having to come in or contact us.
(The patient portal in future may allow you to book appointments but currently this feature is not active, although it is visible on the landing page & the portal)
The sign up is simple, it requires that we have your current email address (or mobile number if registering by mobile) on our records for you at the practice (so please let us know if we don’t have a current one for you) then just follow this link
This link can also be accessed on the banner on the top of our website www.eadp.co.uk
There is also a link button at the bottom of the website pages
This will open a page asking for the email address we have on your record, & to set up a password (& confirm it). The portal will then send a verification code to your email (or mobile number if registering by mobile).
(Please remember to check your Junk or Spam folder if the code is not immediately obvious)
This sets up your portal account, which you can then login to with your email address & the password you have just created.
Portal Login
Once logged in you will see the options available to you, any forms to sign under the eSign menu. Under the account menu you will see the charges & payments you have made to us, or if you owe us anything.
Under the user settings menu it allows you to edit your contact details if you move house or change home number, update your password, & change your data consents.
Finally, if for any reason you lock yourself out of the portal by forgetting your password, or mis-typing it more than a couple of times DON’T PANIC !
You will need to contact us either by phone or email info@eadp.co.uk to get us to unlock your access, it cannot be done by you for data security reasons.
(This can only be done during working hours)
You will then need to re-register a new password for the email address we have for you to log back in.