Many will appreciate that we have used online database/appointment software & digital X-ray storage/viewing for many years at the practice. In the last month our provider has implemented a further update that allows us to offer several FREE direct secure online services to you, with more coming on stream in the coming months.
We can now offer automated e-mail appointment reminders direct to your inbox. These come initially a week before any upcoming appointment then again, a couple of days before if you don’t acknowledge the 1st one. This means we need your current best contact E-mail address to activate the service, & should you change your e-mail address in the future please advise us as well.
This e-mail based system also includes links to secure online forms you can complete at your leisure before attending for your appointment.
As we still have to COVID screen everyone attending the practice (as does all healthcare), we have been doing this over the phone, but this is very time consuming. The new online service we have implemented is able to do this, & will provide a secure web-link to ask you to fill in the screening questionnaire online. This can be done on any web connected device (smart-phone, tablet, lap-top or PC) at any time/place to suit you.
Please be aware this is a secure web-service designed specifically for medical/dental patient confidentiality & data protection and is hosted on secure servers ONLY in the UK.
As with the COVID screening questionnaire we regularly check & update everyone’s medical history in surgery as you attend for your check-ups and treatment. This is to make sure we know what regular medication you are taking & any medical treatment you may have had/are currently having from your GP/Hospital since we saw you last. This is very important to make sure it does not impact firstly on your dental health directly, & secondly on any dental treatment we need to provide for you. This new online service allows you to complete your medical history for us again at a time & place to suit you before attending the practice.
We will also be implementing the use of wireless smart tablets within the practice over the coming months to remove the need for as many paper records as possible. They will initially allow signing of any necessary paperwork digitally but have some other major abilities such as x-ray & digital mouth scan viewing & more coming over the next 12 months.
REMEMBER please keep us updated with your best contact e-mail & mobile number so we can provide the best communication we can direct to you.
Drop us an e-mail to with your e-mail(s), name(s), mobile number(s) & address to activate these exciting FREE services for you.
Keep a look out for posts on our Facebook & Instagram accounts with updates on when new services are coming.